Laura Cole
Owner/Executive ChefI first started working in Alaskan kitchens 20 years ago. I fell in love with how warm and welcoming kitchens could be. A space where creative energy, humor, satisfying hard work all come together to nurture and nourish. Years have past and I have earned a degree from the New England Culinary Institute and a master certificate for confections from the Ritz Escoffier L’Ecole de Gastronome in Paris. My husband with the help of many friends built me this beautiful restaurant so I could continue my culinary passions. Alaska’s bounty is large, from our waters and our land. Although our growing season is short, we do have 24 hours of photosynthesis. I strive to highlight Alaska in all my creations and menus. I love world cuisines and am constantly adapting flavor profiles and dishes to reflect what Alaska has to offer. For instance adding Alaskan low bush cranberries to highlight the flavors of a Moroccan inspired dish. I am constantly striving to define Alaskan cuisine.